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Invoice Refunds

How to apply a refund to your Invoice Guest or Invoice Agent payment

Jessica Kwok avatar
Written by Jessica Kwok
Updated over a week ago

If you have applied an Invoice Guest or an Invoice Agent payment to a booking in Preno, currently it is not possible to add a record of the refund in Preno. You can either void the invoice and create a new one or request to get a refund record added.

To add a record of the refund to the booking, please get in touch with the support team by clicking the little chat bubble on the bottom right corner of this Help Centre or while you’re logged into Preno.

Please let us know how much was refunded and if the booking should be cancelled or checked out and we can add the record for you.


If you have integrated Xero with Preno, you will need to account for this refund by creating a credit note in Xero.

If the invoice has not been paid, then you can allocate the credit note to the unpaid invoice by clicking Credit Note Options > Allocate Credit while on the credit note.

If the invoice has already been paid then you will need to apply a cash refund to the credit note so you can reconcile it with your refund bank statement line in Xero.

If the credit note does not appear on the Reconcile screen to reconcile with your refund, it will be because a cash refund has not been applied to the credit note in Xero.

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