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Cancelling a booking

How to cancel a booking from the grid or Bookings page, and how to take payment for a booking that has been cancelled

Amelia Gain avatar
Written by Amelia Gain
Updated over 9 months ago

Sometimes a guest might call you up or email to cancel a booking. When that happens, you'll need to cancel their booking from Preno in order to free up that room again for future bookings. Once you cancel the booking, Preno will update your channel manager to let your OTA's know that they can sell that room again.

Cancelling a booking

  • View booking> Click on More> Cancel booking


Taking payments for a cancelled booking

If your policy on cancelled bookings includes a cancellation fee, record the payment before you cancel the booking.

If you use Xero, then an invoice will be automatically generated for the payment amount you have recorded.Β 

Cancel booking button

You will find the Cancel booking button on the top right, or the bottom right. Sometimes, the button can also be found by clicking More.

Adding a reason to a cancelled booking

Once you have cancelled a booking, you can then add a reason explaining why it was cancelled. On the yellow banner, click 'Add Reason' and enter the reason for the cancellation.

Reasons for cancellation can then be viewed on the Bookings report. This can be useful to identify trends.

Rollback a booking that has been cancelled

If you need to rollback a cancelled booking to a confirmed booking, click on the Rollback booking button on the top right. You can record the reason and once confirmed, the booking will be re-instated.

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