Setting up Promo Codes
It is possible to set up promo codes for your Booking Engine. To set up a promo code, you will need to reach out to our support team and provide us with the following:
What would you like to call the promo code (please note there is a 15 character limit)?
How long is the promo code valid for? And if it is only valid for a selected date range, does the date range apply to Booking Dates or Stay Dates?
Booking Date - The date the guest makes the booking.
Stay Date - The date the guest stays at your property.
How much % or $ per night discount do they receive?
Which rates do you want to apply this to?
Using the Promo Code
Once the promo code has been set up, the guest will simply need to enter the promo code into the "Promo code" field on the Booking Engine when searching for the date they want to make a booking.
Entering a promo code:
Discount being applied: