The Grid is a great way to view your bookings at a glance and see which rooms and dates are occupied. It can even be used to suit the needs of each property!
E.g. I have an EVENTS row to track concert's and public holidays
Extra rows can be added to the grid to display/track:
Events/public holidays
Car rentals
Offline rooms
Conference/function rooms/Weddings
Tuck shop sales
Waitlisted guests
Deferred bookings
There's no need to worry about compromising occupancy figures because Preno let's you exclude room types from occupancy reporting!
To set this up just go to:
Settings > Rooms > Click on +Add Room Type and select the tick box to 'Exclude from occupancy'.
Complete the fields (Add 1 to the '$' fields. You can leave the 'Extra guest rate' and 'Included in occupancy' field blank))
Once you've added the Room type, you'll need to add/assign a room to it so it will appear on the grid
If you need to add another row and update your subscription plan just message the team via the in-app and we can help you out.