Enhancements π₯³
Auto email: You can now select multiple room types when creating a rule, so that you can create personalised email rules faster.
Auto-email & auto payments: Improved error messages to show the reason why the automation did not get processed.
Extra guest rates: You can now specify different rates for extra adults and extra children.
Guest stay history: The stay history order is updated to show the latest stays first
Notifications: We've made an upgrade to the notifications engine to resolve duplicated notifications, fix scrolling issues, and laying the groundwork for supporting more notification in the future.
Invoice description data tags: we have added two new data tags to use in invoice descriptions
Windcave payment gateway: Improved error messages when cards are declined
Bug fixes π§°
Dynamic pricing: Fixed incorrect rooms remaining for combined rooms with single room type selected.
Payment methods: support Discover credit card type
Invoicing: Fix booking contact label showing as a guest